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Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird starts with a grown-up Scout reminiscing about her childhood and the town where she lived. The director and I decided to play on this concept and to create a set made up of Scout's pencil sketches of her town. The houses and trees were all painted flat on an aged-paper background in a graphite-colored paint.

For the courtroom scene, part of the town rolled out of the way while the spectator's gallery, judge's bench, and other items were moved on stage by the townspeople in one continuous sequence.

Douglas Morrisson Theatre, Hayward, CA

During the trial scene, the theatre itself became the courtroom, so the woodwork was designed to mirror that in the theatre's existing railing. The scene change was done by the actors as part of the action.
The set under work lights.
The tree: a flat pencil sketch.
The spectator's gallery.
One of the houses (under work lights), painted to resemble a pencil sketch on newsprint.
SketchUp model.